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Re: Property Relief / IAVacations, Sevierville, TN

Does anybody have any current info on Stacey Gilliespie. I have a timeshare in aruba that they were supposed to transfer out of my name and never did . I paid them 2700.00 and since it was never transferred i still have to pay maint fees. It’s VP Title also which is run out of his house I believe. My timeshare lacabanna resort told me they never finished the transfer contract. They also gave me the name of the prospective buyer that was supposed to be notorized and guess what buyer info appears erroneous . I just want contract finished so any info would help and if anyone wants a aruba timeshare let me know I will gladly go behind their back and give it to someone else . It’s January 2020 now and they are obviously still going strong with their crookedness