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Re: renting weeks

[Q=jayjay] If you own a fixed week you have to rent that week. If you own a floating week you can request whatever week you want from your resort within your floating period. Some floating weeks are all year, some are off season weeks and some are summer weeks. Check your contract to see what time period your floating week is in. Some resorts will let you change a week that you have already reserved .... just depends on the resort. Full ownership is when someone owns the unit all year. Some resorts have full ownership units along with timeshare units. [Q=lupel3] If I put from Dec.2006 - Dec. 2007 and someone wants to rent a week, do I have to have that week reserved? I mean what if I can't reserve that week that they want? I do not own a fixed week. I upgraded and now I have a week every year. Please help me because I am so confused!!!! I purchased it at Las vegas at Tahiti Village is that a full ownership?[/Q][/Q] I have a deed to it, so is that owner\ship? I want to thank you so very much for all of your help. I am so confused on all of this. I have to check my contract to see what I have.