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Re: Marriott System

[Q=chucke13] If you buy on the resale market instead of from Marriott you loose the 24 day exlusion that gives Marriott owners the first choice of 45 other Marriott units when a Marriott owner deposits and prevents the 1.5 million other Interval International owners from getting a marriott timeshare until the Marriott owners have 1st choice. This can be worth it's weight in gold if you exchange frequently to hard to get places. You also do not receive the Marriott Rewards Point system which allows you to give Marriott your unit for that year and receive Marriott Reward Points that trades for Marriott hotels, cruises, airfare, spa treatments, car rentals, Disney tickets and more. And be careful that the maintenace fees have been paid and there is no problem with the title. Several resale sites also say they offer you Marriott Reward Points when you buy from them and this is not true. Remember that there are 3 seasons usually called High, Medium and Low Demand. It can be very hard to exchange a low or medium season to a high demand unit and where you own determines your tradability. Two the the highest demand areas are Las Vegas and Hawaii. The Hawaii timeshare are a lot more expensive than Las Vegas. Let me know if you need any more help.[/Q] A: Chucke13 are you sure about the info regarding the 24 day exclusion? That is contrary to information I received from Interval International and doesn't make sense logically (why would Marriott not want give MVCI purchasers preferential access to rooms purchased in the after market?). Also, my experience with Marriott points is that they are of limited value. If you don't believe me try to go to the Marriott website and book locations and dates that are desirable. Also, are you a MVCI employee or related to one?