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Re: Resort Questions

Re: >> For those of you that already had a time share at TSR, would you say that it is kind of peaceful, or over run with kids? << 20+ years of my own experience here tells me there is no single correct answer to your question and ANY answer at all must be determined by DATE. This facility was built in the early 1980's and sold out. Generational changes mean that owners' children (and even grandchildren) are now routinely in the mix. There are young kids there now whenever school is out, college kids during "spring break" (which somehow seems to get longer and longer all the time). In addition, BlueGreen acquired a whole bunch of weeks here and that also created another variable in user demographics. In short, it's impossible to give you an accurate answer that fits all weeks, except to say that if you want to encounter minimum numbers of children, go when they are IN school. Even then, you'll still encounter some children too young to yet BE in school. P.S. I previously inquired about the RedWeek advertised week 20 for sale at TSR myself, but ultimately changed my mind and bought something else. The owner took nearly 3 weeks to respond to my inquiry, although I first inquired about 5 minutes after the ad first appeared. My advice is to be patient; Mr. Ellis will get back to you eventually (and the week for sale is actually in progress RIGHT NOW, so he's probably there using that week one last time before selling). Good luck, enjoy.