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Re: marriot points

Interval opens the flexchange 60 (or is it 90) days out from when the weeks they are offering will expire. They also put loads of good weeks on their getaway lists as the weeks get closer to expire dates. Intervals flex period opens up almost all units going to expire to almost all units given to them. Currently, Marriott is selling bronze weeks in a resort called Summit Watchfor $1500 total (includes closing & all fees). These ARE NOT RED WEEKS. If you buy one, and pick the week in the float time, you will probably not do so good if you exchange it into II. It isn't on the top of their lists ( or probably Redweeks either) But, the entire availability of Interval will open up to these owners during flextime. Tugger bought this unit, locked it out, and went to Hawaii in a Marriott for 2 weeks back to back (I think his third week was from his regular super Marriott. He feels he is flexible enough to be able to get these case anyone is interested, the cost breakdown is above. If I had a Shawnee SUMMIT Ridge Top or other village unit in that old Fred Waring resort (Some are pretty old....RCI #001 get the idea) that sell for sometimes $1.00 via PCC on E Bay....ok...even $500 for the 2 bed 3 bath week, I could find practically anything on II for it in this flextime period.....but you really need to be flexible with your vacations (or retired) to take advantage of this. I agree with trying to find the best value, too. With that Marriott $1500 unit via Marriott above...the weekly maint costs are still pretty high for a generally weak trader. But flexibility counts. Using a 2 bed 2 bath or larger AC Bonus Week from II does cost about $299. Smaller units will cost less. Some ACs were once completely free...haven't seen them in awhile. If you can, log onto the site right now, and see the Marriotts in Orlando (under getaways even all during fall). Last time I checked, some Grand Vistas were in the $200 range for the week per unit