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Re: exchanges

[Q=marty8084] [Q=mike1536] [Q=marty8084] [Q=jiak1] It would help if the available for exchange list had a start date attached. I waste alot of time finding whats available for Feb 2.[/Q] Hi, You can do a search for a specific week, etc. by clicking on the "Timeshares for Rent & Sale" tab then the "Advanced Search" in the blue box. From there chose exchange and other criteria. Thanks, Marty[/Q] ============= Marty, Could you add a link to a timeshare calendar so users can cross reference dates to a specific week number? Also, please add the “Advanced Search” link from the “Timeshare Exchange” tab display. Currently one has to use the “Timeshares for Rent and Sale” tab to get this feature. Thanks Mike[/Q] Hi Mike, We have a timeshare calendar in our Help area, [url][/url]. The calendar also allows for variation of check in days. I'll check to see if a search can be added under the Timeshare Exchange page as well. Thanks, Marty[/Q] ======== Thanks Marty.