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Re: How I fought and won the TS battle

[Q=billw161] we just purchased a silverleaf time share today and want to cancel but are not sure what the letter should say. I know we have 5 days but I wanted to know if anybody knows more about the cancelation policy- do we make it so letter has to be signed for? should we include a copy of the contract? do we have to list a reason? is it sent to the address of the home office, the location of the actual time share, or the location where we purchased TS? any info would be helpful[/Q] ============== All the required instructions should be in your contract. I don't know if requesting a signature is necessary, but if it gives you one more piece of proof that they received the letter on time, it is a very small price to pay. Sending the letter Certified (domestic) costs an extra $2.65. This provides proof of mailing at the time of mailing and date and time of delivery or attempted delivery. For an extra $.85 you can get a Return Receipt via email. You can also get a Certificate of Mailing, which provides evidence of mailing, but for the extra couple bucks, I'd get it certified with a return receipt. Some contracts allow the buyer to fax the rescindment letter. Again, check the specific instructions in your contract Good Luck