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chris460 states, quoted only in pertinet part: >> I have travelled and mostly exchanged for over 20 years...<< ====================================== Having been involved in timeshare for over 20 years myself, I dare say with confidence that what you may have experienced with RCI in decades past has now changed --- radically and probably forever. Or to quote a line from an old Chad & Jeremy song "....but that was yesterday --- and yesterday's gone". Compared to years past, the new corporate entity now known as "Group RCI" is an entirely different company, with entirely different owners, and with an an entirely different business model. Your Gold Crown resort, whatever and wherever it may be, could very well never again become an available RCI exchange. If it has any desirability, it will likely just be rented out (if you deposit again with RCI at all). In turn, what you may be looking for in the future in exchange likely won't be there as an exchange either (but RCI, SnapTravel or LeisureLink will each certainly be glad to RENT that same week to you, at top dollar pricing). Kudos for shifting your exchange practices to RedWeek. Denying deposits to greedy RCI (II too for that matter, just on a smaller scale) and using "independent" exchange alternatives may go a long way toward levelling the playing field in this new and very different world of timeshare exchanges. Only time will tell....