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[Q=vanessar4] ok Billy Bob ... obviously u r compensating for other things in your life that are small like your knowledge of the real estate trust deeds sold in the usa... we are not talking about Sunterra Europe, but the US based CSV1 trust deed... Look them up with ARDA Mr Smarty Pants. THey win many of the top awards every year. I guarentee you... in a game of true actual knowledge of CSV1 points I AM THE ONE WHO IS CORRECT! Grow up and do research before spouting off just to feel important and "needed" in life.[/Q] Vanessa you obviously are a very bitter person and as a SUNTERRA member I can see why. Let me SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU. CLUB SUNTERRA IS A MEMBERSHIP IN PERPETUITY. CSV MEMBERS DO NOT RECEIVE A DEED, AS ALL INVENTORY DEEDS ARE HELD IN TRUST BY A TRUSTEE. THE TRUSTEE ISSUES A VACATION OWNERSHIP POLICY AND MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE TO EACH POINTS MEMBER OF THE CSV CLUB. The two Trusts at this time are 1.) Florida/CSV TRUST & 2.) Hawaii TRUST. Let me suggest that if you were told something different( which you obviously were) File a complaint with the DCCA or BBB in the State were you purchased your POINTS!!! p.s. ARDA is a JOKE- Anyone making a big enough DONATION WINS something. Please for the sake of all of us - DON'T REPLY