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Re: Does ever update?

[Q=ken1193] timesharei3 gratuitously offers, in muddled fashion: >> Yes, advertising is a good medium to help us in timeshare i go agree with ken1193 << ------------------------------------------- The issue presented was about updating of ad content and status, not whether advertising "is a good medium". It's an obvious fact that advertising is a fundamental necessity if someone has something which they want to sell and wants to make potential buyers aware of its' existence and availability.[/Q] I WAS JUST ASKING BECUASE WHEN YOU DEAL WITH PEOPLE OVER THE INTERNET YOU HAVE NO IDEA IF THEY ARE FOR REAL, AND WHEN I HEAR THE STATEMENT ( I THINK ITS SOLD) MAKES ME WONDER HOW MUCH INTEREST THE PERSON ON THE OTHER END OF THE 'DSL' HAS IN THE PROCESS.. WHEN I RECIEVE E-MAILS ABOUT SOMETHING IM SELLING, I AM UPFRONT AND GIVE AS MUCH IFORMATION AS I CAN (IE: WELL KEN1193 THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN SAID PROPERTY, BUT CURENTLY A SALE IS PENDING. IF YOU WOLD LIKE YOU CAN CHECK BACK IN ABOUT 30 DAYS WHEN I SHOULD KNOW BETTER WHERE THE PROCESS IS. AND I WILL E-MAIL YOU AS SOON AS IT DOES OR NOT SELL. GOOD LUCK IN THE SEARCH FOR YOUR DREAM.. RESPECTFULLY, XXX