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Re: Fee simple timeshare owners

We're not giving in to Diamond Resort International's (DRI) high-pressure tactics to sell us a conversion into their points; especially as the points they were proposing to sell us are insufficient for us to make our yearly Christmas through New Year's two week vacations that we currently enjoy. As long as there other deeded owners such as ourselves to maintain a sufficient inventory of deeded rooms, DRI has to provide us the same category of room or better; but DRI is actively trying to eliminate us "1-52 floating week non-point owners" within the resort. Make sure you are all paid up on your yearly maintenance fees and do NOT trust that the marketing/sales dept where they say they will apply the $150 credit towards the next year's fees after you fall for the Owners' Update (sales session). They will make the credit for two years away, not the next; then try to foreclose on you for being in arrears $150, even though they'll actually initially credit your account for the $150, then take it back without telling you. DRI will hold onto the resultant insufficient payment warning for a month or more until just a couple of days before they start preceedings to steal your week away; so that when you do receive the notifications via registered mail, you may have missed the ability to respond to their shenanigans with the mis-application of the credit. Finally, DRI is aggressively exercising their Right-of-1st-Refusal on most if not all resales of the fee simple weeks to build up their inventory of days available to their Points system.