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Fraudulent listing...or maybe just a typo error?

[Q=ruthw38] We own a timeshare week that we posted for rent on this site. As I was searching what other units at the same resort were selling for, I noticed someone else trying to rent out our exact unit and week! Before renting a timeshare week, get verification that the person selling you the week actually owns it. does not verify that the listings truly belong to the person who submits it. YIKES![/Q] =============================================== RedWeek is not responsible for verifying the ownership in any sale or rental ads (as is also the case on every other timeshare site in existence, by the way). To do so would be a gargantuan and unmanageable task. Frankly it's not the site's responsibility anyhow --- just as a newspaper is not in any way responsible for the content of ads placed by private parties in its classified ads section. That said, isn't it entirely possible that a "one digit off" typo error (in either unit number or week number) could actually be the simple explanation here? I'm not saying that's the case (I know nothing about the unidentified ad reportedly at issue), but isn't it entirely possible that there is another explanation besides "fraudulent listing"? As already stated, ownership of an advertised week should ALWAYS be verified directly with the resort by EVERY prospective renter. It would be interesting (and educational for all) to read some specific, follow-up details regarding this (so far very vague) posted assertion, in order for all to better learn whether the situation is, in fact, attempted fraud --- or perhaps just an innocent, one digit, typographical error in either a week number or a unit number. If it is attempted fraud, in order to better warn others it would be much more helpful and informative (and much less vague and mysterious) to identify the allegedly bogus ad right here, out in the open, right here in these forums. Please provide some actual specific facts here beyond just vague generalities, as well as the ultimate resolution / outcome.