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Re: Global Access thru Orange Lake Resorts

There is one fee after another after another. You pay an annual fee of $99.00, then $40.00 for each transaction. There is also a housekeeping fee that they impose after a certain number of reservations, which changes with whomever you talk to. I asked them if I was going to get a refund of my maintenance fees since they had my weeks available to give to others. I told them that any housekeeping fee should be taken care of by my maintenance fees. They said no to that one. I used to love OL, too. I am frustrated and resentful. You pay high maintenance fees for points that you may lose. You can't use last year's points for this year's home week reservations. If you don't want to lose this year's points, you pay a transaction fee to have them converted to Holiday Inn Club points. You cannot convert last year's points to Holiday Inn Club points so you lose them. But you don't get your maintenance fees back -- and you lose the points you paid the maintenance fees on, in effect. So you are getting nothing for something.