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Re: Global Access thru Orange Lake Resorts

I am having no trouble using my points. I own a 3BR3BA unit and switched to points the first time it was offered for a $1700 charge only. No upgrade. I have traded 3 times with points successfully and in fact use an RCI week from my Mayan Palace unit, switch it into points to add to my GA/HI points to allow me to trade into spring weeks which have higher pt value. My most recent request was for 5 nights in the WV in a 2BR next April ,my first nonfull week request. No problem there either. I have requested my pts to be carried over to the next year, again, no problem. Do I like this system, not really, but I am moving thru the learning curve pretty well. Do I think that pts should automatically carry over? Yes. Now I am one to plan way in advance, at least 12 months out. Next year I will go twice, April and Oct. I have never been assessed a housekeeping fee and I can't remember a $99 annual fee either.