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Re: Marriott vs. Starwood

Booking with Marriott and availability is very dependent on the resort. We own at Waiohi on Kauai, and you MUST get on board the instant the units become avaialble or you are out of the game. We also own on Frenchman's cove on St. Thomas, and booking is pretty easy there, top weeks fill up, but not in 1-2 hours. On the owning 2 units, we get 13 month advanced booking, BUT, they must be back to back weeks. NOBODY told us this when we bought the 2nd week, and it makes no sense when you buy at 2 different resorts. This is really just for people who buy multiple weeks at the same resort, and want to go there for 2+ weeks in a row. Otherwise it is worth nothing. If you plan ahead, and stick with your plan, Marriott is great, get off plan, and it can be a real pain.