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Re: vacation sales and marketing scam

NEVER pay an upfront fee to sell your timeshare. These are scams. I was, in fact, just contacted by a company called Timeshare Mega Media and Marketing Group. They wanted over $500 to sell my timeshare to a group of "European investors". They spent almost half an hour telling me how great my Virginia timeshare was and how they could get me more than I paid for it a few years ago. I know, from this website, and others, that timeshares on the resell market do not in fact sell for the prices that they indicated they could get. When I indicated that I was not willing to pay an upfront fee "for advertising and other costs", but would pay a 3% brokers fee when the property sold, theyquickly hung up on me. Promises to return your money once they have it? Give me a break, that just does not happen. Are you willing to travel to another state to sue them for your $500 when they do not give it back? Of course not! That would cost you more than the $500! They know that. I was a consumer legal aid attorney for many years and I know a rip off when I see it. Want to see your timeshare? List it at a reasonable cost ($50 for 6 month listing?) on one of many sites or find a LICENSED real estate broker who agrees to accept the fees at the real estate closing of the property, and not one minute sooner. Don't keep feeding the sharks.