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vacation sales and marketing scam

Yes, I listed my elderly mother's property with a licensed real broker estate, who just happened to be the president of the timeshare homeowners' association of the property in question. (motivated, perhaps?). She actually negotiated a price upwards when I agreed to throw in a week of "banked time". With check in hand and no more maintenance fees, I have only 2 more timeshares to get rid of.....Oh my! This process is never easy. This sale came after a a 5-mo. battle with Premier Timeshare Vacations in Florida who scammed my 92-yr. old mom into charging $1000 on her credit card to list a another property that she no longer owned!!!! After countless phone calls, emails, exchange of trust documents, property power of attorney,etc. and proof that she did NOT own the Wyndham property in question....the final piece of evidence made the difference. It was a transcript of the phone (scam) call where my mother was "fed" every bit of information about herself and the which she she replied "yes "(yes, she's in the beginning stages of dementia)...Only her credit card #'s were original. Fortunately, placing the credit card purchase in dispute, coupled with the "scam transcript" resulted in the return of the $1000. Whew!!! It was exhausting.....and no surpise to anyone....I have a very bad attitude about timehares, in general. Anybody, want a good deal on one in Oceanside, CA or Palm Desert, CA????