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Re: Is Montecristo Estates sold out & what Pueblo Bonito was selling the last units for

I have created a Facebook page for MC owners (simply called Montecrtisto Estates Owners) if anyone cares to join. News, Home Videos of your trip, Connections to other owners, etc...Just search for groups and you should find it. I am specifically interested in connecting with top 18 owners and will also create a group for top 18 if I can build interest. There seems to be several top 18 owners here so please announce your villa number when you join the FB group. Please keep content constructive and positive. And by that, I mean that this group is intended to be viewed by the masses (aka potential renters). It is intended to promote the resort and build value. I have absolutely no problem with complaining about lying sales people and problems and especially if they are followed up with a proposed solution. But a blog like this is a place for that and a FB group open to the general public is definitely not.