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Joining the Manhattan Club Yahoo Group

I'm not sure why it has been difficult to join our group on yahoo other than the proviso that we are being careful to screen out "moles" - I know that sounds paranoid, but we are collectively quite protective of our group and the posts we share with one another. Currently, my MFs are close to $1,700/year when originially they were $744 (in 2005). When we first signed on, we could pay this $744 on a monthly basis via a credit card which made it very affordable. Then, in 2008, they announced the fees had to be paid up front, and they had more than doubled. We, too, are looking to get OUT but, when I went to a timeshare resale site, I almost fell out of my chair: there were 237 Manhattan Club resales listed starting at $999!! One of our group members finally sold his for $1 on e-bay with the understanding that the buyer would also pay two years of maintenance fees to sweeten the deal. It's totally depressing to many of us who feel stuck with a terrible investment of which we will never recoup anything. Most of us just want out even though we will take a huge loss. Wish I could be more optimistic, but it is what it is.