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Re: Golf courses

Just got back from trip and visited with sales team. Ritz has pulled out and will no longer be involved with any development. Golf course has not been started and there was not even an indication of when construction would commence - they have no financing to build the golf course. Apparently, it is the responsibility of Nicklaus to come up with the financing, as they gave him ~40 prime lots in the development for free in exchange for the development of the golf course. However, my guess is that sales at Quivira are not going well (let's be many people are buying $3mm+ homes in Cabo right now) and that they won't be able to secure financing until sales on homes for both Nicklaus and Quivira pick up. Most disappointing of all is that one of the two golf courses will be closed except to private home owners. This was not communicated to me when I purchased at the Montecristo in 2006. I was told that we would have access to both courses.