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Re: Golf courses

[Q=jasons48] I have owed my unit for several years now and we are at the top of the hill in a perfect location. Who knows about the club house... completion date is always changing. In reality, I am not sure if it really makes a difference. I feel the same about the Golf course unless you love to play golf. It will probably be several years before it is done and probably will not be what we expect. Montecristo has done a horrible job managing expectations when it comes to these items. On the other hand, I love the property. We own the month of August. I trade it all of the time through the Registry Collection and it has been great. Forget the rental market. What month are you looking at purchasing? Maybe I can give you more insight about the property or what it is like to be an owner.[/Q] Hi, I am interested in purchasing weeks in March howver I am contemplating the thought of buying the cheapest resale weeks I can find and trading with the Registry Collection each year for March or April weeks. Your thoughts? Thanks,MIke g