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Re: Club Navigo is NOT a rip off

Frankly Brock, it is your messages that lack credibility. My first questions to you were to ask how you were scammed by Club Navigo. How were you slighted? And why did you think you should get money back? Until you answer those questions with specifics, you're not doing anyone any favors here. Particularly not yourself. I don't know stevem532 anymore than I know you. But based on my own experiences, the details that Steve shares are more credible than anything you've written. Oh, that's right - you haven't written any details - just innuendo. This year we traded our Club Navigo points for a one week stay at Southcape Resort & Club during the height of the summer season. Last year we traded for a week at the beach in Ogunquit, Maine. The year before that we stayed at Ormond Beach, the year before that it was South Beach. I can go on, but I think I made my point. Our family has experienced successful vacation week trades using our Club Navigo ownership every year that we have owned. As I pointed out twice before on this forum, the way to success in Time Share ownership is to take an interest in the value of your asset, and... 1. Trade early - don't wait until three months before you want to travel. Start working on trades at least six months before your planned travel. 2. Be flexible with dates and locations - the broader you cast your net the more likely you will obtain a place for vacation. You wrote: "REPLY IF YOU AGREE..." It seems odd that you invite people to reply only if they agree with you. Are you not seeking the truth? Do you and your friend at the "Big 3" Central Florida television station plan to present a biased report? Are you out to smear Club Navigo for some personal reasons? Are you really going to ignore the success stories of owners who have worked to create value for our families through time share ownership?