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Re: Club Navigo NOT is a rip off - we have had great success. I will tell my story.

Bravo johnt738. I will put up the same challenge to brockp6. I own weeks at Grand Seas and The Cove. When this thread was started, I also owned three weeks at Liki Tiki and another week at Grand Seas, but have since traded in those four weeks for Daytona 500 week at The Cove. While my ownership has decreased from 26,000 points yearly and 31,000 points on ODD years, to only 8,600 points yearly; it does not change the good experience I have had as a Club Navigo owner. As I have stated in prior postings, I have been able to use all my points every year. I have never had any real trouble with making reservations that were satisfactory to my needs, with the exception of one year where a computer glitch cancelled all by reservations, and I had rebook. But I still got all by usage on weeks I found acceptable. brockp6 has repeatedly stated that he was ripped off by Club Navigo, but has never given the least bit of details as to in what way this happened. He looks to only be interested in negative reports that would fuel his obsession with smearing the company, and berates anyone who would disagree with him. In looking through the thread, is there anyone other than brockp6 who is making the same claims? So I to challenge you to give me the name of your so called reporter. I will also check into this and see if this person is real, or a figment of your imagination. And just like johnt738, I will contact this reporter and offer my view of the club. So what do you say brockp6. Are you man enough to take up the challenge? Post the name of the reporter you claim you know. Or are you, as I suspect, one of those dead beat owners who don't pay their mortgage on time, don't pay their fees until they are ready to make reservations, don't call to get a reservation until a week or two before you want the room, or think that a condo should have daily maid service. Or maybe your simple a shill for another time share company that is trying to damage Club Navigo. Or an employee of Club Navigo who was fired for bad performance, or bad attitude. In any case, your actions have the potential of damaging the considerable investment I and others have made in Club Navigo. And I for one think it is time for you to offer some proof that anything you allege is true, before you make any more false and misleading accusations. Steve