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Re: Ripoff - Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Program - New Point System

The points that Marriott is selling now are all Trust points. Since they no longer sell weeks that can be elected into exchange/election points, no one can purchase any more of those. The $10.22 price per point is the price I heard was increasing. My contact at Marriott (she is not a sales rep, she works for the legal offices for MVCI at their corporate headquarters) says she thinks they will go up almost $2.00 per point. But nothing is set in stone and even she thinks that may be just rumor. Who knows? I hear Disney is around $110 per point. Yuck. In all fairness though, everything goes up, I guess. Try to email me at hope 7982 at american on line dot com and I will send you the points book. You are right about the resorts that only have an E. They were sold out and so no inventory at that property was put into the T bucket. I think as the Ritz joins into the book a new book will be published that will have resorts that only have the T on it. My big selling point was that I could have the best of both worlds having both the E and the T inventory access. New Marriott owners will only have the T and old Marriott owners that do not choose to own the Trust will only have the E. I have both and so far am extremely happy. I think the biggest problem owners are facing is the simple fact that they don't want to spend any more money on timeshares. And I can understand that. I understand how you feel about Maintenance fees. I hate them too. I'm at $2400 for both my Legacy and my Trust. But there is a way to transfer points to other owners and get money for them so that you can off set your maintenance fee. I came across a website that has the steps to take to do that. My rep (actual sales rep this time) showed it to me. I've been checking it out and so far it seems legit and a great way for me to get rid of any points I don't use for a little cash. I can email you that link as well.