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Global Travel Network - has anyone used this? Pros and cons?

Wow!! It looks like you guys have a nice debate going on here about Global Travel network. Well I hope that my review can help out as a tie breaker or maybe simply as a little clarification. I just went to one of their timeshare presentations, and actually came back not more than three hours ago, took a bath and wanted to see what this Global Travel Network thing looks like online, and what others are saying about it. And from the look of things, I think I am well served. As you can all guess, I have not bought anything yet. Ok long story short, I went to the presentation, it lasted longer than they promised and I am still pissed off about that, at the end, they tried to force me to buy a one time offer package which I very politely denied and stuck to getting my free package. After they realized that I will not be buying no matter which of the sales agent spoke to me or whatever manager, they finally gave me what I was there for and I left. Come to think of it, I feel a little guilty now since I left with a pretty valuable free package. I don’t have much to say about the company, but I would like to say that I got what I went for, so I say go to the presentation. If I could rate them as of now, I would give them a 4.5 on 5.