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Montecristo Estates

Mark. What's up with that? You come to my owners lunch.. You ask for favors.. I help you with finances.. I help you with details ... We get you lined up with several rental brokers... If you're referring to phase 1 issues I think at this time we've resolved those. Sure, there have been delays... But the clubhouse is beautiful, our ipo this winter should get us over a hundred million dollars so we can finish our long delayed golf course and huge infrastructure of our massive four miles of coast, the lighthouse we own, and all the plans mr Coppel has had. Not one plan has been tossed. Yes, i know sales was told numerous times by powers that be, by investors, by many that the project would be further along, but when you think about it, the "big four" certainly had a factor.... Swine flu, recession, drug cartel warnings and recession again. But when you look at it we have survived. We own the land. We are here. Our houses are being completed and mr Coppel is willing to sell ten percent of his company on the Mexican Bolsa for 110 million! All this to finish the property to the highest standards. It's been a battle... And unlike the USA we didn't borrow 28 trillion. We didn't rig out the stock market with credit default swaps with their ridiculous slightly -ponzi scheme ... We didn't have a housing crash.. The USA is the feeder of our business here. When they catch a cold , we sneeze. Its that simple. Our advantage is clearly the baby boomers that are advancing now at nine million per year turning sixties! That should be a hell of a villa buying market. And to end, this is what blows me most away about our country... Yes, mark, our country, USA. It's the freakin' finger pointing arrogance that just never stops. It's the total lack of culpability on anything conveniently wrapped in an arrogant global control. Whether it's America consuming all the drugs yet blaming Mexico for having a drug cartel situation. Whether it's the rigged out mortgage lending system that freely and unregulated handed out money without any due recourse only to have wall street monsters deliver their guaranteed money maker of selling short against the money and investments that their very own clients invested in. And yet, in that entire collapse, while usa companies were failing, while 172 golf country clubs went into foreclosure in the usa, clients expected mr Coppel to just be able to go forward and convince banks to just lend him money... In Mexico!, ... We did damn good, and if it were not for the actual sales of monte Cristo, we would not have been able to accomplish buying all this land on the ocean!! So think about it. Make it a great day. Saludos dirk