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Re: Global Access thru Orange Lake Resorts

vmg2.... if the information you have is such a good deal, why not tell everyone right on this site? is it above board or a 'secret'... this another sales pitch. We have been timeshare owners since 1999. Since then Orange Lake has come up with a new scheme every few years to get more money out of existing owners ....and none of it makes sense to existing owners. The only result is that existing owners get less benefits (converted owners lounge is West Village to HI VIPs) or get to pay for things OL has upgrade (like tubes at River Island) Trading... As a week's owner, we continue to trade through RCI and would not pay the extra money to go to points. My the money you would pay to change to points and use it to pay the rental at another may even earn interest on the money you would have had to put out to join the points system and definately would save the extra maintenance dues of another unit if your were talked into buying another one.