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Can't make payment on my timeshare. What are the consequences? Please need some help.

[Q=marialejandrap] Hi Carlos!! My mom and I are exactly in the same case your parents were 1 year ago. I would like to know how the story ended. Did they declare foreclosure, did that affect their US Visas or had problems entering in the US? We cannot pay anymore the loans and we have paid thousand of dollars for something we're not using. I have tried selling the timeshare but no luck so I want to just stop paying a single penny, but I'm afraid about the legal consequences, if that's going to affect my Visa or not letting me enter to USA. I want to know what's the best thing to do. Thank you very much, I appreciate any comment!!![/Q] The legal consequences are, since you signed a legally binding contract to purchase your timeshare, you're legally bound to fulfill that obligation, especially since you're paying on a loan for the timeshare itself. You will be turned over to collections and eventually foreclosure will occur affecting your credit score, which affects many parts of your life (ie: job hunting, credit applications etc) . BTW, no sense in trying to sell a timeshare with a mortgage balance still owed .... nobody will buy it. I doubt seriously that a timeshare foreclosure will affect your visa or prevent you from entering the USA. The best thing you can do is use, exchange or rent your timeshare until it's paid off then you'll do good to be able to give it away (depending on what you own and timeframe).