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Be careful about taking advice from the Timeshare Users Group (TUG)

A few of your points aren't true. If anyone comes on any of the forums saying they just bought from the developer, whether they say they are happy as a clam with their new purchase, if they say they are happy but have some questions/doubts or if they say they are now feeling like they were tricked, you will have a dozen TUG members asking when the TS is purchased and post after post will tell that person to rescind while they still can. People who just bought and are in the rescind period and are really happy with the purchase really have to fight off the posters telling them to rescind. If they are unhappy in the least and are a few days past the legal rescission period the advice on TUG is still to give it a try (even though it may be not be successful). It is when someone posts that they bought months or years ago that the 2 options are mentioned. Another option is also almost always mentioned. To contact the developer and see if there is any way to offer a deed in lieu of foreclosure or to try to negotiate to see if they will take back the deed. Unfortunately the timeshare is ripe with more than one timeshare attorney, advocate, or other groups promising to donate the timeshare, sell the timeshare, or take back the timeshare. Many are quick to say they don't charge anything upfront but that turns out to be another lie. If you have posted and have made an impact and helped people get out of the legally binding contract that they signed outside of the legal rescission period that is great. I am glad people were able to find you through TUG or other ways that you reach out to people and they were able to contact you in private. There is no developer bias on TUG. More than 90% of the active members will say never under any circumstances buy anything from the developer, any developer. The 10% who don't will be very quick to say that there is only a very few specific circumstances where a developer purchase would make any sense. And let's get out of the timeshare world and go with in general if someone comes to you and says they spent thousands buying something that they really didn't research or understand and signed a legally binding contract to make the purchase and had a period to get out of it but did not take advantage of it but now realize it was a big mistake but they have no proof of fraud but want out- what would your advice be? Maybe if you actually had that list and that website where the reviews could be verified but you don't and my personal feeling why this would be so difficult is that even if the lawyer wins, it most likely isn't going to be in court, it will be some kind of settlement and the terms of the settlement will almost always be that the winner (former owner) can't disclose any of the terms of the settlement or the settlement could be reversed. This makes it almost impossible to verify anything and I imagine there are more dishonest advocates and such than honest ones. I think TUG just doesn't want to be seen as endorsing something without proof. If you could show multiple legal, verified settlements, TUG might reverse its stance. Until then you will have to do it through messaging and not through the open forum.