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Be careful about taking advice from the Timeshare Users Group (TUG)

@ William: " I am still interested in your answer to my last question in the previous post of "how bad were you hurt in your TS experience, and did you use a lawyer"? I have never purchased a timeshare. If I somehow made that mistake, I certainly would find myself a lawyer. I didn't answer the question earlier because it has nothing to do with my interest in the industry. I have never had cancer but I regularly participate in fundraising for cancer research. I support numerous causes that are unlikely to ever touch me personally. "are you just mad at TUG" Mad at them, lol? No. Early in my research on DRI I suspected that TUG had a conflict of interest when it comes to offering advice to consumers. The widely held perception among those involved in TS issues is that TUG is in bed with the developers. As I've said before, that may or may not be the reason for the conflict. I would have publicly shared my belief about this a long time ago, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. The resistance I received there has been over the top. While this is not absolute proof that TUG is only interested in steering consumers in one direction, all things considered it has been enough to convince me. "Thank you for your time as I know you are busy." Indeed I am very busy. But I think litigation is the only way to bring about change in the TS industry. I want to spread that message and do what I can to rebut the myths about it. In my view, TUG has done more than any other entity to perpetuate those myths. I will reuse a lot of what I have written here, so it was worth my time. Internet forums are tightly knit communities of people. Any criticism of the community is always going to be challenged by loyal members. To a reasonable extent I think the criticizer should explain the basis for her comments. It is my pleasure to do so. Regards, Susan