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"Floating" low / medium / high weeks differ from place to place...

You explained it great. But as a site enhacement to Red Week a separate Tab should be available for each resort you are selling so that the purchaser can make an educated decision. I feel an enhancement like this would do nothing but improve your bottom line. [Q=ken1193] [Q=carmend69] what DOES FLOATING / LOW , FLOATING / MED, FLOATING / HIGH MEAN[/Q] "Floating" of couse simply means "not a fixed week, not a guaranteed same week each year". "Floating" week ownerships often have VERY specific limitations or specific "range of weeks" within which reservations can / must be made --- and outside of which reservations cannot actually be made AT ALL. "Low, medium and high" will vary by geographic location, and the weeks defined WITHIN "low, medium or high" will vary by individual resort. You've asked a great and very smart question and if you are considering buying a "floating" week, you would be well advised to COMPLETELY understand the precise range of weeks potentially available to reserve within whatever floating week you are considering buying within "low, medium or high". For specific example, a "floating / low" week on Cape Cod would almost certainly be limited to making a reservations in winter months, never in summer, whereas a "floating / high" week on Cape Cod would (at least potentially) allow making a reservation for a summer week. "Floating / medium" on Cape Cod would likely allow reservations only in the "shoulder" seasons (early spring, late fall). Hope this answers your question, but the devil is in the details and those details will vary greatly from one geographic area to another and from resort to resort. There is simply no "one size fits all" definition or answer to your question, except in the general overview I've provided above. The "low, medium, high" definitions will ALWAYS vary considerably, so you need to learn (info best obtained directly from the resort, not from uninformed advertisers or sellers) EXACTLY what weeks are included in each one of those groupings at any given resort --- particularly if you're actually considering buying a "floating" week there.[/Q]