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The odds are against you...

I ALWAYS told the truth to all of my clients. Why lie? There was no need to if you had the skills and the gift of gab. Most of my fellow associates, I can proudly say, were also on the "up and up". I was a good looking, young college grad saving money for law school. With the Sheraton name attached to our place of business, credibility and rapport was easy to establish. Most of the people I worked with, were educated, attractive, in shape and highly articulate. Many of them are very successful today in a variety of professions both here and abroad. There was one individual that I worked with( an old timer in the time share industry) for a short period of time, that used a closing technique based on a "Two Year Trial Program". Essentially, the customer buys one or two weeks, uses it for two years, and if they don't like it, they sell it back to the developer less a $250 processing fee. This is a very shady practice which from what I hear, is still used today. Needless to say, he was eventually fired for not telling the truth to a well respected and wealthy Mexican client. As far as actually selling time share in Cancun, it was easy for me. Location, growth and scarcity of the land (in Cancun), and getting more vacations in nicer places just made more sense to many people .Value was easy to convey. Most clients would spend $10,000 in 10 years staying in a hotel room with a double bed in a nice location. For less money, it made more sense to many people to stay in a larger accommodation with more amenities and get 20 more vacations for about the same money. Timeshare has changed drastically in the last thirty years. Big name hotels are now selling time share. Value for some vacationers will always be there. For some, probably not. The one thing that is alarming is the number of cases of buyers remorse which is well documented on many third party web sites. Many of these customers use the excuse "he lied to me and ripped me off", when in actuality, the clients are suffering from a HUGE case of buyers remorse.They arrive home from vacation with a portfolio of paperwork after spending 20K for example, and their kids ,neighbors or co-workers tell them what fools they were for buying a timeshare. This happens ALL OF THE TIME. The clients never used the product to even see if they like it. The next thing they do is cancel and post unflattering comments about being ripped off. I am not saying that some people were not lied to or there might have been misrepresentation in the sales process. Shame on them and exposing them is highly important. On the other hand, customers who fail to utilize the Socratic Method and/or by simply doing a few GOOGLE searches before their purchase, have only themselves to blame for the headaches they suffer. I still own one week at the Royal Mayan which is a phenomenal place in Cancun. I usually exchange my week and travel elsewhere and stay in the nicest accommodations. For me, owning a timeshare has been great. Many of my business associates and clients also own timeshare. All of them have nothing but good things to say about using their timeshare worldwide. On a parting note, I wish you the best as a prospective purchaser of timeshare or as a sales person entering the profession. Good luck!