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Anywhere to find this kind of information?

[Q=vyh2] I was wondering if there was anywhere on this site that shares information on the different feedbacks that are given to renters/rentees or sellers/buyers. I think it would be helpful if members can share their experiences with specific people and share how their transactions went. Information like "MemberX provided prompt feedback" or "transaction went smooth and professional with the renter". Kind of like the feed back you leave on EBay after a transaction. You might get repeat customers with this kind of information. It would be just another precautionary measure when dealing with pricey transactions. Is there a list of members that have a bad reputation on this site? or is that kind of information too difficult to keep track of considering the multitude of ways to get around the blacklist? Just Curious[/Q] You can contact Customer Service about the track record of specific advertisers for specific individual ads in which you are interested, but there is otherwise no "centralized rating" mechanism on RedWeek. The idea has been mentioned and suggested by others before --- and you are absolutely right that it would be a real logistical headache to track (or verify) any such input on an ongoing basis. Personally, I'm not a fan of the idea, mostly since there could always be phony, fabricated "reviews" (either good [b]or[/b] bad) either by people with an ax to grind or by people (and / or their friends or family) engaging in self-promotion, with [b]neither[/b] source having much credibility or legitimacy. I believe it is for that reason (at least in part, anyhow) that [b]no[/b] timeshare-related site I know of has (or wants to consider adopting) any such "landlord rating" mechanism, including Timeshare Users Group,, or TS4MS.