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Floating weeks; get the facts and details...

Many floating week ownerships in the U.S. have very specific week "ranges" during which (and [b]ONLY[/b] during which) reservations can be made. Accordingly, the first and most important step when looking at purchasing [b]any[/b] floating week is to clearly determine and verify exactly what those specific weeks are. If the weeks that you want to use are not within that "range", then that "floating" week ownership is essentially useless and worthless to you. I learned this lesson (the hard way, unfortunately) in my first timeshare purchase, many years ago now. In some places with very high demand periods or seasons (winter weeks in SW coastal Florida is a good example) the "best" weeks were / are sold only as fixed (not floating) weeks. Weeks 5-15 are usually simply unavailable to "floating" week owners there, being specifically [b]excluded[/b] from being reserved by "floating" week owners. A similar situation may well exist for popular ski areas / ski seasons. In short, make certain that whatever / wherever you are considering for a "floating" week ownership, it actually gives you (possible) access to reservations when [b]you[/b] might [b]want[/b] to go there. Even then, it's a supply and demand situation. Being [b]eligible[/b] to reserve a specific week still provides no guaranty that you will actually be [b]able[/b] to do so. There are lots of dogs after the same bones, so to speak.