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What is the concern with Mexican RTU properties?

[Q=debbief189] I have seen posts where someone said they wouldn't consider a Mexican RTU property. Why is that?[/Q] I could list a half-dozen good reasons, but perhaps the best and biggest one is that there is little or no chance of ever being able to sell and / or transfer most Mexican RTU contracts later if you want "out". Grossly overpaying for a "product" that is worthless in the resale market is also a very good reason to stay away. Some Mexican resorts even charge a RTU contract transfer fee of several [b]thousand[/b] dollars --- so even if you were willing to give it away for free, the parasites still want several thousand dollars just to acknowledge and process the contract transfer to someone else. Personally, I would never under [b]any[/b] circumstances touch [b]any[/b] Mexican RTU timeshare contract with a ten foot pole. Your mileage may vary. To each their own choices and decisions. In my opinion, the [b]only[/b] good thing about a Mexican RTU timeshare is the fact that the contract usually has a specific ending date built right into it. However, that date is often 20 years in the future.