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Selling time share via Redweek

I have sold two separate and unrelated timeshares through RedWeek in the past two years. Both were previously bought resale, used for some years and both were sold for about the same amount I paid (sold for just a bit less, actually). People who bought developer-direct will unfortunately always "take a bath" in the resale market, since all timeshares in the resale market are worth only a tiny fraction of the developers' price; a sad but irrefutable fact. The open resale market value simply "is what it is" and no one really cares one bit what a seller previously paid, or whether it was purchased developer-direct or resale. The small additional ad cost to be "RedWeek verified" is a worthwhile expenditure, in my opinion. It gives inexperienced and / or nervous buyers some confidence that the seller has already been independently "vetted" and confirmed as the real and legitimate owner of record, hopefully alleviating some of their concerns and worries before proceeding with a transaction.