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Manhattan Club Lawsuit

hello phillipp48, THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO: BECOME PROACTIVE, BENEFITTING YOURSELF AND YOUR FELLOW DEFRAUDED TMC OWNERS. your several questions have many thought-to-be well-meaning answers. the truth is, THERE ARE CURRENTLY NO DEFINITIVE ANSWERS TO ANY OF YOUR QUESTIONS (and you're not alone.) "I'm feeling there is absolutely nothing I can do." solving the issues you cite can't be done WITHOUT YOU. you must act proactively using the available tools and means as follows. join THE COALITION OF FINANCIALLY DISTRESSED TMC OWNERS. see our mission statement after page 200 in this forum. email me for details at there is no fee for this. join attorney zimmerman's future lawsuit. details are in this forum, again in the 200's pages. do both: join the COALITION and the lawsuit. there is a possibility that COALITION participants will join mr zimmerman, if and when it seems appropriate to do so. send your detailed complaints to the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, a national consumer protection agency. copy and paste the following to your address bar: i believe the more of us who complain to the FTC, the better our chances will be for them to act positively in TMC owners' benefit. none of the above actions guarantee positive outcomes, but we don't know that definitely unless we give them a try. keep in touch' chris [Q=philipp48] Please advise. Same story as many. Started my contract with the MC with a $680 maintenance fee for two years..... 3 days one year, 4 the next. Just received a bill for $2900 with a warning that if not paid by due date, it would go up to $3300. I have paid religiously up to this point. I'm done. What should I do? Do I have any leverage at all?? If I don't pay?? What an evil and disheartening situation The Manhattan Club has put us to process. Again, I'm feeling there is absolutely nothing I can do[/Q]