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Manhattan Club Lawsuit

message to gail and william, face it, eichner IS the manhattan club. he's a mega real estate tycoon who surrounds himself with experts in every facet of his fraudulent activities. make no mistake, eichner has not disappeared from TMC nor the timeshare industry itself. through various and continuous fraudulent means, he remains, albeit invisible, a major part of TMC and the timeshare industry. you delude yourself (as i had done in the past). yes we have deeds, and i'm not sure how legal or viable they currently are. only an experienced attorney can make that judgement. your understanding of what you expect our ownership of TMC to be is on target, but wishful thinking. do you really think eichner hasn't taken care of that issue; do you think he would let ANYONE on their legal terms, own something he developed? it's like having another child to him, not to be shared with "strangers". one could say that eichner allows us to use TMC, but only under his terms. this is precisely the issue that we should be forcefully battling him against. the list that we all hoped would be forthcoming from the december 12 court hearing is still not in responsible hands (ours.) eichner has a stronghold on that. he knows that once that list of owners becomes available to us, he's finished along with his real estate empire. (google him sometime to see the real estate fortunes he's amassed.) it appears highly unlikely that mr tucker will make any headway by following the court's admonition to sit down with eichner's attorneys to work out a settlement regarding making the owners' list available to him. does anyone see that happening? please do not misconstrue my comments as criticism of any kind. my words are solely meant to reveal what IS, and not what you rightfully WISH IT TO BE. that's the reality we're left with. now let's get on with our battle with TMC. BLUEGREEN OR EICHNER (THEY'VE BECOME ONE PACKAGE/ENTITY). make no mistake, our fight is against the whole or individual parts of this FRAUDULENT, EVIL ENTITY. THEY LITERALLY STOLE FROM US (no matter who or what did that). now we need to concentrate on justice for all members of the wonderful club most of us seem to like, and we need to fight for this justice with competent expert legal might. attorneys need some teeth............some ammunition...............state and national timeshare legislation of which there is very little. what little there is seems to lack any power of regulation. i have written to the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION with my various complaints about TMC. on the FTC complaint website, they expect substantial comments about your complaints. there is generous space for expressing and describing your complaints, so we can write as much as necessary to show how we were defrauded and shammed by TMC. PLEASE, ALL, THAT IS EVERY PERSON IN THIS FORUM..............TAKE THE TIME TO SEND YOUR COMPLAINTS TO THE FTC..................................IT SEEMS TO MAKE SENSE THAT THE MORE COMPLAINTS THE FTC RECEIVES ABOUT TMC, THE MORE THEY WILL TAKE NOTE OF OUR PLIGHT AND PERHAPS OFFER US AS MUCH SORELY NEEDED ASSISTANCE AS POSSIBLE WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF THEIR AUTHORITY. PART OF THE FTC'S DUTIES LIE IN THE REALM OF CONSUMER FRAUD PROTECTION. THIS IS CERTAINLY A GOOD MATCH FOR OUR TMC PREDICAMENT. in addition to the legal attempts to help us through this messy and complicated situation, contacting the FTC is simply an additional action that we can take to benefit us all. reaching out to the FTC is in no way in competition with the legal team we're depending upon, just as joining the COALITION OF FINANCIALLY DISTRESSED TMC OWNERS is in no way a legally competitive entity. we're available to help. we have over 80 people who have joined us, some of whom have also joined the possible lawsuit being prepared. you might think 80 people is a drop in the bucket compared to the thousands of TMC OWNERS. true, but it cannot be said that developing this contact list is not a move in the right direction. with all the name-calling and bickering noted on these 248 pages of, it's time to put all that aside and come together with a united front. aren't we all working toward the same end: justice from the TMC fraud? we may differ on points of view and ways, means, methods and plans to stop the enemy, but that differing shouldn't get in the way of what we all seek as a final outcome of our efforts, a victory for all of us.