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Ad hominem attacks are unwarranted

It is not my job to "defend" Don P., who I do not know personally and who can certainly speak for himself, but it is my understanding that he is retired from law enforcement and is a [b]former[/b] timeshare owner who successfully managed, with some admirable persistence, to get [b]all[/b] of his former resorts to accept "deedbacks" --- [b]without[/b] ever considering paying even a single penny to [b]any[/b] so called "exit / relief / escape / rescue" parasite operation. Accordingly, it is both very childish and entirely inappropriate to initiate personal attacks or accusations against the man for merely sharing his personal experience and advice. After all, he gains absolutely [b]no[/b] benefit or monetary gain of [b]any[/b] sort by simply cautioning people to [b]not[/b] throw away their hard earned money to no productive end. For that effort, he deserves recognition and gratitude --- not unfounded personal attacks and / or false accusations or inane, bogus speculations about his motives. That's inappropriate CRAP, plainly and simply stated. Believe it or not, some people try to help others when they can --- [b][i]without[/b][/i] outstretched palms or a hidden agenda or a profit motive.