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You listened to Pinnochio...

[Q=alitag] When I bought fairfield I was told I could go where I want when I want and for as long as I want. What went wrong that I have to book vacations 12 or more months in advance. I would not have bought if I had known this.[/Q] Fairfield has actually been "out of the timeshare picture" for quite a while now, having long ago been absorbed by Wyndham. That fact aside, the short answer is that you were flat out lied to. There is [b]NO[/b] timeshare point system [b]ANYWHERE[/b] on planet Earth that allows people to just "go where I want when I want and for as long as I want". Either you completely misunderstood the statement made to you, or that may very well be the biggest and most boldfaced lie ever told by a timeshare sales weasel. Regardless of the system involved, there must obviously first be [b]space[/b] available at the specific resort where you seek to make a reservation --- and the "for as long as you want" part is just complete nonsense. Just like money, points only go so far. Once "spent", they are gone --- and you are then all done until you get more to spend. It's just that simple.