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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

For those of you considering taking the $100 buyout, I'm afraid to tell you that no one else is going to get any money from TMC. They have been caught with their pants down in their recent attempts to extort the acceptance of $100 token payments to relinquish timeshare ownership in return for forgiveness of maintenance arrears. This is a blatant violation of the Assurance of Discontinuance (AOD), the agreement TMC entered into with the NY attorney general to end his criminal investigation of the company. This ill-advised attempt has already been discontinued, apparently when a TMC attorney woke up and made them stop their improper timeshare buying/selling activity. This is a partial extract of paragraph 61 of the AOD:, " 61. Respondents and their agents and employees, including The Manhattan Club Timeshare Association, Inc., shall not engage in any act directly or indirectly relating to the offer, purchase, sale, issuance, advertisement, marketing, promotion, distribution, negotiation, exchange or transfer of any timeshare interest..." I would suggest that everyone read the Zimmerman Law Group's documents via the DropBox links that I recently posted. After reading the excellent legal arguments and evidence submitted to the court by Zimmerman, decide for yourselves if our case has any merit or chance of succeeding. More and more of us clearly believe it does, and so we encourage everyone to contact the Zimmerman Law Group at (908) 768-6408) or, and ask them to represent you too. Don't be left out of any financial settlement with TMC by failing to get on board. Bob Biello