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Re: Suitelife Vacations anyone?

christinel252 Where did you see that there is a limitation period? How do you figure the 2 year period has passed? Didn't Suitelife send you an invoice every year for the maintenance fees, and if so, wouldn't that mean the amount is not stale - ie. past the 2 year period? I'm also refusing to pay the Suitelife scammers and so may be getting one of these letters. [Q=christinel252] I received a letter from Action Collections & Receivables Management at 716 Gordon Baker Rd., Toronto, saying we owe $1,500+ for our unpaid account. Has anyone else received a letter? This is a legit agency as I checked with Consumer Protection. Action Collections can't take us to court I believe as they are past the limitation period of 2 years to sue us but it can affect our credit rating.[/Q]