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BlueGreen Vacations Cruise Scam

Wow, what a disappointment. Thought this type business would operate with some integrity. I purchased a package to visit and listen to what they have to offer. The lure was a 3,4 or 5 day cruise certificate. I purchased this from Bass Pro Shops (Shame on them too) and was told without a doubt that the promotional cruise included the Port of Galveston and it is even listed on the brochure. After the presentation I call to check my options and guess what they don't do promotions out of Galveston as a matter of fact there are 4 out of the 9 ports listed in the brochure they don't do promotions out of. Can you says FALSE AND MISLEADING ADVERTISING! What a joke, Never again and anyone I can tell I will tell them to stay away. If they are this misleading in trying to get me to purchase their product I can only imagine how difficult they will be after a purchase. Don't WALK but RUN away!!!