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Re: Orange Lake and Holiday Inn

Know before you buy Orange Lake has no secondary market. I was able to work with their media person to get a loan cancelled for a family told the timeshare would be easy to sell. The buyer was a single woman, got married, upgraded when married, got pregnant, baby born blue requiring open heart surgery and a second surgery. Orange Lake would not cancel the loan until I sent the article for comment (with baby's picture smiling with oxygen tubes in her nose) to resolve the dispute. Until then the family had been denied. Yesterday I heard from an Orange Lake owner, age 71. He has had a heart transplant, kidney failure, on dialysis three times a week. Orange Lake has refused to take back their fully paid for timeshare based on medical hardship. It is just unbelievable. Your life can turn on a dime. Disney has a valid secondary market, but Orange Lake, none. What other asset, boat, car, condo, pair of shoes do you buy you can't sell or give away?