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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

william, no banter, just facts to answer MY disdain for TMC and the reasons backing them up: 1...unscrupulously, exorbitant, rising maintenance fees, usurping MC's own promise that they would rise "only slightly from time to time"...500% to date: only slightly? this should have been addressed within the scope of the settlement. fraud was committed by the exorbitant increases per year (since my original purchase). 2...the board of directors should have been turned over to law (additionally required by schneiderman's "settlement"). 3...for some (not me) major difficulties getting desired reservation time. the reservation process should have been revamped per settlement. 4...some suites (even the penthouse suites) are showing obvious signs of wear and neglect. many of the odd tables, e.g., end and night tables are scratched beyond saving, rugs are worn, wallpaper coming away at seams. (this is not true of ALL suites, but certainly 60% of those i've seen.) the first 3 points above involve legalities. number 4 is simply unconscionable, especially considering the noted exorbitant maintenance fees. read all of laura's comments. some don't affect me (or probably many of us) but they are of concern to people in laura's position. that doesn't make less of the complaints she forwarded. william, these are the points you asked me to enumerate, including (what i know to be) the legalities involved. i will not argue the points here any further. i am not trying to convince you to be unhappy with anything about TMC. these are my points of view, not always shared by others. i can't maintain your tolerance for being scammed and defrauded. obviously, my tolerance is essentially not like yours, not that either scenario is better than the other. by the way, i drink only 2 kinds of drinks: a dry jonnie walker rob roy with 2 dashes of bitters, and a very dry beefeater martini with lots of olives and cocktail onions, each over small ice cubes. [Q=williamm465] I'm not disagreeing with you at all Chris. I would just like to know what TMC is doing today that is illegal. What part or parts of the NYAG's requirements are not being followed. Please be specific. I'm just trying to understand. I know there are things that we don't like, but that doesn't make them illegal. I will be at TMC in September, I think 24-26. If you are around, I'll buy you a drink. [Q=chrisv126] laura, you outlined very many salient TMC points of contention that all of us owners should be aware of and doing something about. i must think twice concerning your idea of daily cleaning, a valid point, but probably it wouldn't reduce our maintenance fees substantially, if at all. the only way to change the ills, scams and frauds in the timeshare industry at large is via national legislation, or perhaps starting by going back to the nysag, letitia james, to show her how the terms of the former nysag's "settlement" (schneiderman) are not being adhered to at all. since his legal settlement, NOTHING has changed for the better at THE MANHATTAN CLUB. eichner had continued to defy the court order and, it seems bluegreen is following in eichner's footsteps. these are the ideas we should be working on rather than simply bantering on this forum. i' 'm sending the essence of your excellent outline to my attorney. [Q=laurah136] Not having turned over the board to the owners was the biggest mistake ever made. Did the AG even look at that? Does New York not have the requirement to turn the timeshare over to the owners? I have been complaining for years about the high maintenance fees. I even suggested that we not have the daily cleaning because labor costs were so high. I was told that the union in NY was too powerful and that we couldn't do that. Well, how many of you traded your MC timeshare and found that you had to pay for cleaning at the timeshare you exchanged for? Why can't we do that? We should have an extra fee for those who echange into the TMC. There is nothing more maddening than having to pay extra fees for these other timeshares that may not even meet the quality of TMC? How can TMC have a contract that precludes the exchange of your unit to Interval International? Isn't it an owner's right to exchange wherever they want? I have done exchanges with SFX and DAE. Why should TMC keep me from exchanging with Interval International? Isn't it some kind of unlawful restraint of trade? If we could get a legislator to work on this very flawed system it would be great. I have owned for about 26 years. Did the AG look into any of these things? While many of the exchange companies may give you 2 or three weeks for your MC week, The amount of points that RCI allots you is better. However, they kill you with those exchange fees of $239 every time you exchange! It makes you wonder if you should even bother. So let's change this industry. Every day someone tries a new scam. This needs to stop too![/Q][/Q][/Q]