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Re: Anyone know anything about Finn Law Group?

I do not like to see misinformation on the internet, nor do I like to see censorship. With that in mind I want to respond to your comments: "This place is a real law firm but shady. If you look at their bbb all the reviews are in 2019 and roughly a week apart." There is nothing shady about the Finn Law Group. The timing of reviews on the BBB is hardly an indication that a law firm is shady! "Also a lady by the name of Irene Parker (diamond advocate fb forum) was referring all the people on her site to him. She claims her process is free knowing she's not getting anyone out so after they realize this, she sends them to Finn and he charges thousands of dollars. Well now it's claimed that he was giving her kickbacks, commissions , and a finders fee." No such claim has been made by anyone! Where are you getting this idea? There IS a claim that she was soliciting clients for Finn, but as yet it is only an unproven claim. You may or may not know it but DR is trying to shut down all exit firms and exit attorneys. Finn Law Group specializes in TS exits. Therefore they are on DR's hit list. Some bad TS exit companies have been exposed and shut down. But the only thing DR has been able to say about Finn is that he allegedly violated a confidential settlement he agreed to with DR in 2015. They are a LONG, LONG way from proving that claim and the fact that it is all they can come up with to try and shut him down, indicates he runs an honest and effective exit business. "See, lawyers are not allowed to call or use any form of phone solicitation. How perfect was this set up. He probably contacted her to make a deal. You send them my way and I will take care of you. Ie cash money. Problem is, lawyers can't split legal fees so I'm sure it's all under the table." On the other hand, a TS advocate that is trying to help consumers HAS to find some attorneys that are reliable. Sometimes the only recourse the consumer has requires an attorney. If you love your family Dr. and you tell everyone you know about him, are you soliciting for him? I don't know about you, but I think it is pretty common practice for people to recommend professionals if they think that individual can help others. No one accuses them of "soliciting" for the professional and God knows the professionals don't usually offer the person any kind of kickback. "Diamond is suing him and it looks like she is in hot water too." Irene Parker is not in any "hot water" for referring people to Finn. Since when is recommending a professional to others a crime? " Diamond is shady yes" You are being too generous. In my opinion, DR is much worse than "shady". "I had a diamond timeshare and went through her form to fill out. It's a joke. I could tell it wasn't going to work and asked many people if they had results." Many people have had good results from working with Irene Parker. But not everyone has legitimate grounds to cancel a TS contract. It's not like anyone that wants to get out can just go to IP and get their perpetual contract cancelled. So whatever your situation was, it was specific to you. You have no way of knowing how many other people, who had legitimate grounds to cancel, have been helped. "Well, I found a local law firm and was able to get out of mine. It took 9 months but I was out. So I go to her forum to share my experience and got blasted by her and was asked to delete my post." I don't like censorship and in fact I have a pretty long thread here about how I was censored on TUG. While most of what you have said here is incorrect, if it is true that you found an attorney that was able to help you with your TS, why don't you post that information here? "She told me that the law group I used wasn't approved by her. Well hell I.never mentioned who it was. She knew it wasn't Finn because she knows every client she refers." I guess you are inferring that if your atty wasn't Finn she didn't want to hear about your experience. I don't think that is true. We are always looking for information about attys that help TS consumers. I AM asking you who you used, and I would also like to know some of the facts of your case. The fact that the atty was successful may not have anything to do with his knowledge of TSs (very few attys know TS law) and I am only interested in knowing about attys that have actual TS knowledge. "Anyway I left her fb group." Why leave the FB and then come here to register your complaint? You should have talked about it on the FB. You should have given people a chance to weigh in on the situation. "It would have put a damper on her little side hustle." I really doubt if that was the case. We really need to find as many qualified attys as we can. This is partly because of jurisdictional issues. I would be wonderful to know of a good TS atty in every state. But we are a long, long way from knowing that many TS attys. I am not sure what happened on the FB page because I don't think I saw your thread. But I'm sure you know there are some bad exit companies and even lawyers out there. So I guess, if you really want to recommend the atty you used, the best thing would have been to PM Irene and tell her all about your experience. I am sure she would have been interested if there is any chance there is a good TS atty out there that we don't know about!