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The Manhattan Club - Smell of Mold

I smelt mold as soon as I got into our room at The Manhattan Club (June 2018) and brushed it off thinking it was old air-conditioning odor. Within a day, I started having immense upper respiratory drainage at night. I felt tons better when I’d leave the room. By day 2, I developed a horrendous chest cold coughing up dark yuk. I’ve had colds and allergies, but this was different. I called Engineering for the moldy smell and they offered to spray Lysol, a temporary fix for a deeper problem. On my return to Colorado, my chest cold took a good 2 weeks to subside. I wrote to TMC and they of course denied any issues of mold in their rooms. The Executive Director of Operations called and told me I do not live in a “bubble” and that something must be tickling my allergies. He said thousands had stayed in that room before and after me and no one had ever complained. For a short while, I willingly accepted TMC’s response. But then I saw posts on various sites about mold at TMC and thought this is a very real issue! I've booked 3 nights in December at The Manhattan Club and I’m dreading my stay there. I am petrified I’ll get sick again. As an owner, I question what is my maintenance fee covering? Oh yes, I know they have been working on the facade of the building. How about focusing on the INSIDE walls of the building? The problem with mold is guests in the hotel rooms can’t readily see it. But the smell of mold is unmistakable, and when it makes you sick, that's enough to convince me there's a problem of mold. Check out these links for other reports of mold in TMC hotel rooms: