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Re: Seems like I'm Finally Getting Rid of Diamond Resorts Mystic Dunes

I’m trying to get out of my contract with Diamond Resort. My loan is already pay since 2016. I have 12,000 of points but this year my Mainteinance is for $ 2,474.00 dollars a year I need an advise please what to do to relinquish it with Diamond Resort. Can someone please tell me how I can start the process. I would like to do as soon as possible because every year Mainteinance is going up and its really difficult to afford it. Please help me. Thank you and God bless you. [Q=garyl108] Money back?? I started this thread stating I could not give my property away let alone sell it. I consider the money spent a growing pain and one that I can never recoup. To me that's fine since I just wanted out, for others it may be different, all situations are not the same. Depending on where you own there is very limited chance of getting any money out. Maybe a Marriott location, maybe a highly sought out location with very few timeshares, but if you own in a popular place, (mine was 5 min from Disney but so were 25 other timeshares), it's difficult to impossible to get rid of the timeshare through sale. Before everyone gets on me, yes I understand that some few may have had luck but they are only the few. If you want to get rid of it and you don't owe anything I would start with the timeshare directly, this didn't work for years for me but it did the last time and I am happy to be free and clear even though I didn't get any money back for it. Gary[/Q]