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Sorry, but the responsibility of paying off the timeshare mortgage is still yours, same as if you bought a car, house or anything else in the USA. If you default then they can come after you for payments, and if you quit paying it can ruin your credit in the UK. They will also come after you if you stop paying maintenance fees. It's like any other bill that you owe.

The best thing to do is try to use your timeshare to your advantage by exchanging it for somewhere in Europe each year where you now reside.

remirolr wrote:
I own a timeshare week in Florida (Ft. Lauderdale, Vacation Village, Weston) week 52 (whatever than mean in real terms). I live in the UK (permanently) and bought the timeshare when I worked in the US for the last 15 years. I still have 3 years left to pay the mortgage but the fees are now around $600 a year. Now that I'm self employed I find that I am neither willing to pay nor able to spare the money to pay these monthly and yearly fees. This post has wandered off topic so I wonder if anyone has any advice for a non-US with a US liability?? ;-)