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They actually make money off the rentals, as opposed to most of us. The units are all paid for and after paying maintainance fees, they pocket the diff. They are probably clearing 2-2,500 annually. Not a great sum, but, Hey.

jayjay wrote:
I don't understand the philosophy of anyone buying timeshares JUST to rent them out. What joy are they getting from their timeshare ownership? It would be more trouble than it's worth, to me, to buy timeshares just to rent them. But, like you said, different strokes for different folks. JMHO

jons29 wrote:
Chuck; We have friends who have owed three different TS (Orlando, N. Carolina & Tenn) for over fifteen years. They have never stayed at any of them.

They bought them to rent and have never had a losing year. They place them for rent via the Resort management and also on their own. They have more than paid for them just from the rentals. Diff strokes for diff folks.